To any card-making lovers out there in the blogosphere, I wanted to share a little idea with you (though I truly don't think it's original.) Every year around this time, I either purchase or I receive as a gift a Lang wall calendar. I really love these calendars because they are made with good, heavy weight, paper, and you can find whatever style of art fits your home decor and/or personality. I especially like folk art, country style, shabby chic, etc., so for the second year in a row, I will be displaying the Warren Kimble calendar in my kitchen. The problem is when I take the old calendar down to hang up the new one, I don't want to throw it away. I'm very good with the "in with the new," half of the phrase, but I stumble when it comes to the "out with the old" part. This can be quite a burden, as I am already a sentimental person and have too much "stuff" around this house that I've collected through the years from my grandparents, parents, school, son's school, and so forth. Can anyone else relate? The more I get into card-making, the keener my eye gets for inexpensive bits and pieces of goodies I can use from around the house. This morning I decided to cut up the 2011 Warren Kimble calendar into usable pieces for future cards. I've stored them in a gallon sized zippered freezer bag, and I'm calling it my "Warren Kimble Mojo Kit."
If I've caught you before it's too late to retrieve your 2011 calendar from the trash, you may also be able to find some bits and pieces that will save you a little time and money when you need to make up a quick card later this year. Best wishes to you all for a happy and healthy 2012!
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